UK Play Safety Forum International Policy Seminar on Risk Management and levels of safety for children The UK Play Safety Forum (PSF) believes that the role, content and use of playground safety standards needs wider debate. This view has been reinforced by recent developments in the USA, when USA standards body ASTM considered (and nearly approved) a proposal to tighten up impact absorbency thresholds for playground surfacing. This proposal, in PSF’s view, was not justified by the evidence, and was questionable on cost and public policy grounds. At the very least, it needed much wider consideration than was given by ASTM. In the light of the ASTM proposal, PSF is actively working to promote wider debate on playground standards. The Forum wants to see a public policy seminar on the topic organised in North America, which sets global agendas on product safety. And it also wants such an event to bring together a wide range of relevant perspectives and ideas from leading practitioners and thinkers from across the globe. The Forum has made some progress in this goal, and would be happy to hear from others who are interested in getting involved. If you would like to be involved please contact Tim Gill , PSF adviser, who is leading on this project on behalf of PSF. |