Introduction and Key Objectives
The Play Safety Forum (PSF), formed in 1993, exists to consider and promote the wellbeing of children and young people through ensuring a balance between safety, risk and challenge in respect of play and leisure provision. The PSF works to identify, develop and disseminate advice and guidance in the context of:
Determining and promoting a balanced and thoughtful approach to risk, challenge, benefits and safety
Advising on policy and practice in relation to risk benefit and safety in places where children and young people play; and in particular making such advice available to Government departments, agencies and regulators
Keeping abreast of research and development relevant to the PSFs interests
The PSF is a UK wide organisation working, among others, with Government in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, acknowledging the common and different areas of legislation, regulation, policy and guidance within those countries. Administrative servicing is provided by Play England.
Play Safety Forum Membership
The PSF membership currently comprises:
Nominated individuals from each of the four national play agencies: Play England, PlayBoard Northern Ireland; Play Scotland; and Play Wales
Nominated individuals from each of the following national organisations, all invited because of their interest and work in the play and play safety of children and young people:
Association of Play Industries;
Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity;
Child Accident Prevention Trust;
Fields in Trust;
Health and Safety Executive;
Learning Through Landscapes;
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Invited individuals co-opted by the agreement of the PSF in session, offering specific skills and expertise as advisors
Procedures and Protocols
The aim of the PSF is to pursue its objectives through the contributions of its members, and within the support of their nominating organisations, where appropriate. All members have been identified as having experience, expertise and/or partnerships and professional links of relevance to those objectives.
The nominees of the four national play agencies, the eight named national organisations and representatives from other sectors comprise the core membership of the PSF
Each of those organisations shall identify a nominated person to attend PSF meetings. When nominees are unavailable, a substitute may attend meetings.
Invited individuals and any new organisations to be admitted to the core shall be agreed by the PSF in session.
The PSF shall normally meet four times a year.
The forum has a chair and four vice chairs. These are:
Chair: appointed by the Forum
Vice-Chairs (Play Scotland, Play Wales, PlayBoard, NI, Play England) -
(all Playworkers)
The position of Chair of Play Safety Forum will be reviewed every three years.
Nominations for the Chair will, in the first instance, be made by the Vice Chairs.
(closed shop)
These will be considered by the wider membership for discussion and agreement.
Play Safety Forum Members
Robin Sutcliffe (play equipment
Vice chairs
Neil Coleman Play England (Playworker)
Jacqueline OLoughlin PlayBoard Northern Ireland (Playworker)
Marguerite Hunter Blair Play Scotland (Playworker)
Mike Greenaway Play Wales (Playworker)
Andy Yates Association of Play Industries
Carl Hagemann Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity
Katrina Phillips Child Accident Prevention Trust
Helen Griffiths Fields in Trust
Frances Kelly Health and Safety Executive
Katherine Shaw KIDS
Mary Jackson Learning Through Landscapes
David Yearley Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
James Willis insurance sector representative
Jeremy Dymond local authority representative
Eugene Minogue Parkour UK
Individual Advisors
David Ball Middlesex University
Tim Gill Rethinking Childhood
Bernard Spiegel PLAYLINK (first
published 'deep play' in 1996)
Jean Wenger Active Risk Management Services